Friday, December 16, 2011

Self Portraits

Students used mirrors to draw their self portraits with colored pencils.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Midway Middle School students learned about Eastern and Western dragons.  They learned that Western dragons are often symbols of evil while Easter dragons are symbols of good luck.  Then they chose which type of dragon they wanted to draw.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Three Ways of Seeing

After learning about three styles of art - realism, impressionism and cubism - eighth grade students created their self portraits in each style.  Realism was done with colored pencils, impressionism was done with soft pastels, and cubism was done as a collage.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pampered Pooches

The Baroque period in art history has been described as the ornate age - very fancy and "over the top."  Sixth grade students viewed pictures of the Versailles palace in France where King Loius IV and Marie Antionnette lived.  As you can see, Versailles was the ultimate in lavish living.  In keeping with this theme, we decided to have some fun and paint "Pampered Pooches" wearing a crown!

Thanks to Patty at Deep Space Sparkle for this fun idea!